“ Ready for the tough love to get you moving in life? FIND YOUR CARROT by Jacquelyn Berry delivers!”
As someone who believes in celebrating life and in finding joy in what I do, I am convinced that the reward for gratitude, kindness, and generosity of spirit is clarity. In my experience, ideas and creativity start to flow when the mind, heart, and spirit are open.
Find answers to Questions you might also have about Dr. Berry and her debut book Find Your Carrot
· What inspired her to write Find Your Carrot
· How the title was chosen
· Why Dr. Berry believes failure is one of life’s great lessons
Also listen to #310 of dHarmic Evolution
It’s a wonderful springtime here in Tennessee, but we’re going to take a little trip to the Hudson Valley, New York to meet a Cognitive Scientist, Fulbright scholar, author of Find Your Carrot, entrepreneur, and beauty queen.
In celebration of International Children’s Book Day, I want to highlight the contributions of Dr. Seuss who gave us so many teachable stories. Not only was he able to entertain children but he was able to convey such important and timeless messages in simple short stories!
Have you ever been entrusted with something important? Someone’s heart? Someone’s fate? An important document? A task that no one else can do? It’s too easy to throw things around that don’t seem obviously important or seem to have an endless supply.
Article featured on PurposeFairy.com
Many might wonder what is there to learn from birds…I for one love birds. They are delicate and always happy and always making music.
The pieces of our life are like a puzzle; going forward we want just one situation where everything, every piece comes together at the right time.
I’m a Trekkie. Have been my whole life. Yes, and I’m one of those crazy ones who goes ballistic when you cross a Star Wars and a Star Trek reference [physically grits teeth].
Achieving your dreams is a lot like holding a sparkler. When I was little, I was terrified of those sparklers that you hold and wave around on the fourth of July and at other celebrations. I would ask for one and my mother would give me that look like “are you going to hold onto it this time?”
What makes you special? And I’m serious. That is such a cliche question but I swear to goodness that’s all you’ve got that, that’s going to help you make your way in this world. And the best way I can explain to you to think about it is you cannot lock away the one thing that gives you your edge.
I wish I could hibernate like a bear. Not actually sleep for real although it would be nice to eat whatever I like in my dreams and still wake up still lighter but I mean just hold up and not let anyone bother me for four months...except my family.
Welcome to Find Your Carrot, a podcast series to help you move forward in your life and make sure you are on your own personal journey to becoming the best version of yourself.
Experiencing new cultures is wonderful and fascinating to me and I am honored when I can be in the presence of rituals and traditions, all in words I cannot understand. My family usually eschews the lavish hotel with pools and room service to “rough it” in an Airbnb in the middle of an unexpected neighborhood.