Are you actively driving your life or “dropping” when it’s convenient? Are you dialing it in? Not really present and half-assing it out of fear? Loneliness? Regret? Anger? Apathy? That thing you claim to be striving for? Yeah, it’s not going to just sit there forever, waiting for you to get to work, while you mess around doing whatever else you want. Grow up. DO YOU WANT IT OR NOT? This sounds harsh, but if you want to get anywhere, any where real, you got to wake up. START ACTIVELY DIRECTING YOUR LIFE. You can start by taking responsibility for the things you DO have control over. You’re afraid, I get it. What are people going to say? What if you look foolish? What if you fail? I’ll tell you, if you have this amazing talent that you’re just letting waste away, you’ll look foolish to the Universe who gave it to you in the first place for tossing it for no reason. Who gives a fuck what they think, you’ve got to answer to you. You have a higher purpose.