Find Your Carrot Blog
By Jacquelyn H. Berry
As someone who believes in celebrating life and in finding joy in what I do, I am convinced that the reward for gratitude, kindness, and generosity of spirit is clarity. In my experience, ideas and creativity start to flow when the mind, heart, and spirit are open.
Find answers to Questions you might also have about Dr. Berry and her debut book Find Your Carrot
· What inspired her to write Find Your Carrot
· How the title was chosen
· Why Dr. Berry believes failure is one of life’s great lessons
Also listen to #310 of dHarmic Evolution
It’s a wonderful springtime here in Tennessee, but we’re going to take a little trip to the Hudson Valley, New York to meet a Cognitive Scientist, Fulbright scholar, author of Find Your Carrot, entrepreneur, and beauty queen.
In celebration of International Children’s Book Day, I want to highlight the contributions of Dr. Seuss who gave us so many teachable stories. Not only was he able to entertain children but he was able to convey such important and timeless messages in simple short stories!
Have you ever been entrusted with something important? Someone’s heart? Someone’s fate? An important document? A task that no one else can do? It’s too easy to throw things around that don’t seem obviously important or seem to have an endless supply.
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Many might wonder what is there to learn from birds…I for one love birds. They are delicate and always happy and always making music.
The pieces of our life are like a puzzle; going forward we want just one situation where everything, every piece comes together at the right time.
I’m a Trekkie. Have been my whole life. Yes, and I’m one of those crazy ones who goes ballistic when you cross a Star Wars and a Star Trek reference [physically grits teeth].
Happy Valentine’s Day.
I’m here to talk about being in love. Be in love with your craft. Over and over I keep talking about currency. Currency is the one thing that YOU bring to the world that’s special that no one else can quite like you. It make take awhile to discover it or you might have known as long as you can remember, but everyone’s got something.
When setting goals many people struggle with setting the right goals. In my post, Goldilocks Goals, I explain how goals that are too hot will cause you to burn out quickly and goals that are too cold do not ignite enough passion to keep you interested.
What is the magical amount of time in which you can accomplish almost anything? 2 months? 2 weeks? It needs to be long enough so that you can accomplish something real and tangible and not just apply a quick fix but short enough to keep you hungry.
Pick a date, Pinpoint a Target, Plan a Path, Pay your Dues, Picture it and Prepare.
I could have been encouraged.
I have very little memory of high school. I see these shows where high school is people’s entire life and I just have no concept because I guess I was there, I went to two different private schools, but I wasn’t really there, I was in my head.
I love writing.
I like to turn the radio on to some soft, background music and let my mind drift into the page.
If you're anything like me you have a ton of books sitting next your bed half read, started, or just collecting dust. If you're holed up trying to stay safe from the pandemic now might be a good time to knock those out, particularly if they have inf...
Maybe you've had acne-ridden skin for sometime now and are just sick of it. You're set to graduate in 6 months and want your face to be clear by then. Here's how you can accomplish this goal according to the 5P Framework.
Are you actively driving your life or “dropping” when it’s convenient? Are you dialing it in? Not really present and half-assing it out of fear? Loneliness? Regret? Anger? Apathy? That thing you claim to be striving for? Yeah, it’s not going to just sit there forever, waiting for you to get to work, while you mess around doing whatever else you want. Grow up.
Most people think they can live on this earth and get by being nice, not bothering anybody, hiding under the radar. Playing it safe. That’s all well and good but it only gets you so far. If all you want to do is fly under the radar, then stop reading.
I hate to say it, but your way isn’t going to work. There is nothing wrong with your way, you don’t slack off too much (unless you actually slack off too much), you’re not in the wrong place, and the deck isn’t stacked against you.
Experiencing new cultures is wonderful and fascinating to me and I am honored when I can be in the presence of rituals and traditions, all in words I cannot understand. My family usually eschews the lavish hotel with pools and room service to “rough it” in an Airbnb in the middle of an unexpected neighborhood.